Monday, April 1, 2013

Curing acne is easier than you think

Acne. One of your worst nightmares ever. You wake up each day and look in the mirror just to see whether your acne have faded away but you see it growing even bigger and that leaves you disappointed and lowers down your self esteem. Well, you don't have to worry now, because I'm going to show you how you can get rid of your acne in just few days. First of all I want to tell you that I'm not an expert or a dermatologist. I'm just a normal guy who has BTDT [Been there, done that]. Treating your acne internally is more important and effective than treating it externally with all those chemicals and recipes. So lets get straight to the point. Contrary to the popular belief that you should just leave it TO DRY, it doesn't seem to work in reality. Yes, curing acne needs patience but you can certainly speed up the process by following simple steps instead of just letting it to dry out. Ready? OK.

Step 1- Drink atleast 12-15 glasses of water everyday: Now this was obvious, isn't it? You have heard it before and you will hear it again and again. There is a reason why water is considered so important for our body. Water helps to flush out our system, eliminates toxins and regulates our body temperature. This in turn ensures that your acne will stop growing and may help it to fade.

Step 2- Poop daily: Yes, you heard it right. Not pooping everyday generates heat in your body since your body holds the toxins and waste materials which in turn leads to more acne. Pooping daily ensures your system is clean and all the toxins are eliminated. That's the reason you should drink lots and lots of water and eat food which is rich in dietary fibers. Poop atleast once a day.

Step 3- Avoid sweet, oily, dairy and junk food: These foods accelerate the process of producing sebum which in turn leads to more acne. Try to avoid these foods as far as possible.

Step 4- Eat more fruits, fruit juices, veggies and whole wheat products: This is a very important step. These foods are rich sources of antioxidants and vitamins which have anti-acne properties. The more you eat these foods, the more better they are for your acne as well as for your overall health. You should regularly consume these foods as much as possible.

Step 5- Facewash: With your internal treatment, you should also treat your acne externally. Use a good quality facewash preferably having salicyclic acid, benzyl peroxide or tea tree oil in it. These chemicals have been proven to get rid of acne. Wash your face with the facewash twice a day. Also, avoid using soap on your face.

Step 6- Exercise daily: It's not only good for your body, but also for your skin. Exercising regularly ensures that the dirt from your clogged pores go away with the sweat. A good regimen would be to exercise for atleast 15-20 minutes and then washing your face with the salicyclic acid / benzyl peroxide / tea tree oil facewash.

Step 7- Avoid touching your face: Germs from your hand travel to your face and blend with the existing acne. This, resulting in infection and making your acne more contagious. The more you touch your face, the more chances of spreading your acne. So avoid touching it as far as possible.

                    So, these were the steps to get rid of acne. Follow my seven steps and you will get rid of your acne in no time. However, the most important thing is consistency. You can't expect your acne to disappear overnight. You have to regularly follow my steps and I guarantee you, you will get rid of it. Depends on your skin type and how bad your acne is. Some may take a few days to recover while others may take a month or a two or more. Cheers.

                   Have anything to say? I would love to hear your comments. You can post it below.

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